Someone else has the same problem about blogging

Apart from posting links, I’ve not been writing here much. Partly that has been through lack of attention, in part because I have been posting (occasionally) on my other blog, but there’s also been another factor – I’m busy with lots of interesting things at work, but have not felt able to write about them.

Neil McIntosh seems to be having the same problem:

Why the secrecy? Lots of folk write lots of stuff about this business, after all. Trouble is, the business of blogging about the intersection of technology, [and a particular profession] and social change is one that’s dominated by academics and consultants; people who make their living from advising. They’re free to discuss whatever they like and, indeed, it’s good for their business that they do, because they are in the knowledge business, not the delivery business.

It’s a seductive world, because it’s about ideas, not the more difficult business of implementation. The latter is less about the heroic individual, and more about the unglamorous world of meeting rooms, progress charts and compromise.

Some of things happening at work would have been good to blog here, not least because blogging is part of my reflective process, part of how I learn from action, but they are things which contain far too much information about what we are up to – sometimes nothing especially exciting, but as Neil puts it it’s frequently either too dull, or to messy, to expose.

I’ve tried anonymising by generalisation, but that is a lot of work, and usually takes all the impact away from the issue.

Perhaps the answer is one of focus – perhaps if I set a particular frame before work that I am looking for things that I can write about then the ideas will emerge?

Proactive application of technology to business

My interests include technology, personal knowledge management, social change
