I’m blogging the conference Agile Approaches for Delivering Business Value
The stated goals are to provide:
- a forum for the exchange of information regarding all agile development technologies;
- an opportunity to hear case studies from a variety of sectors
- [an opportunity] to find out new viewpoints and developments and learn from the experiences of others
Day 1
- The Ten Golden Rules for Successful Agile Projects
- Case Study: Agile Analysis: A Proposition Assessment Case Study
- Case Study: Delivering a Public-Private Partnership using DSDM
- Case Study: Agile – Why Should Your Business Care?
- Leading Agile Teams
- Keynote: Scaling Scrum
- Case Study: Using Agile: the QA perspective
Day 2
- Examples, Exemplars, Requirements, Tests
- Fit for the Future: The future of Agile Acceptance Test Tools
- Acceptance Test Driven Development
- Can IT Projects be Insured?
- A Square Peg in a Round Hole: Agile and fixed-price contracts
- When XP Met Outsourcing
- DSDM Atern: The next step in agile!
Update – my initial learning reflections on the conference.