Reply to Chris Aldrich 'FeedReaderFriday: A Suggestion for Changing our Social Media Patterns'

I never stopped reading stuff in a feedreader, but I like the #feedreaderfriday meme!

Responding to

#FeedReaderFriday: A Suggestion for Changing our Social Media Patterns Find and follow people's websites directly with a feed reader or social reader. Then engage with them directly on their own websites. (published )

I never really stopped reading stuff in a feed reader (currently for me, Feedly); it’s by far the fastest way to scan new content from sources you find interesting and then click thorugh directly to their own sites.

Probably the biggest (and most useful) change I have made to the habit has been to rearrange my feeds by social distance - this immediately means that the people I interact with the most are near the top of my list, so if time is limited their posts are the ones I see first.

My structure of folders in Feedly
My structure of folders in Feedly

However in the interests of widening the pool of ideas, and in the spirit of #FeedReaderFriday I am starting to make a point of randomly sampling sites in the @D500 and @E999 parts of my feeds. At the moment Chris Aldrich lives in @D500, but the whole point of this organisation is to move feeds up and down the list as the level of interaction changes. I’m finding more and more of interest around knowledge management and indieweb topics in Chris’s feed.

You can see the current contents of my reading list as OPML at this link. Currently this requires manual updating, but AFAIK Feedly make this information available via an API endpoint, so it should be straightforward to add a pre-build script to pull down a fresh copy.

Proactive application of technology to business

My interests include technology, personal knowledge management, social change

