
Notes on ‘Eghbal: Working in Public’

Nadia Eghbal’s revoew of how open source really works in 2020

Weekend ‘Gardens’

The Garden metaphor is becoming embedded

Evergreen Notes

An approach to note-taking that seems to have deep parallels with Federated Wiki

A look at Covid-19 Data Journalism - part 1

The data journalists are telling the truth our politicians are ignoring

Government briefings

I’ve pretty much stopped watching the official briefings, between shouting at the politicians and urging the journalists to be more probing they aren’t good for my peace of mind. Far better to read a considered report in a reputable source later. Alistair Campbell nails it with his 20 phrases that should be banished from Covid-19 briefings: We’re leaving no stone unturned. (Show don’t tell) We’re working round the clock. (Show don’t tell) We’re ramping up.

Digital Literacy at Work

A model of digital literacy from academia that might apply at work too.

We Are All Authors of Each Other

Doc Searls on how the internet changes people

Sense-making in multiple dimensions

Taking a connectivist approach to learning straddles multiple dimensions of interaction

So lead already

Now the UK needs leaders