
Tools updates
I realised that I wasn’t going to have the time to both write my own theme that I liked and update the site content, and the ugliness of the part-built theme was putting me off using the site – so I’ve grabbed the new Twenty Seventeen theme, and will run with that… Notwithstanding what I wrote about Breaking the Ubiquity of Stream Mode I pretty much gave up on Smallest Federated Wiki when I realised that Yahoo! #
Trying out Fargo
Fargo is an outliner in the cloud Uses Dropbox for data persistence You can publish a document as a web site via smallpict.com I’m using FeedPress to insert the RSS feed of the published site as custom post types in my WordPress site Have set up through workflow that publishes on my site TODO investigate Fargo Publisher – does this potentially let me run the toolchain independently of the (generously, free) service at Small Picture? #