
Hide irrelevant data in your PRs - Dev notes - shows how to hide large data files from your diffs with .gitattributes #
Git is my buddy: Effective Git as a solo developer - Mikkel Paulson - Mikkel’s way of using git seems like it would work for me too. #
Rewriting a Git repo to remove secrets from the history - One of those problems that comes up so infrequently it’s good to see an explanation from someone whose skills I trust. #
How can I specify a branch/tag when adding a Git submodule? - I always have to look up the finer points of git submodules, this covers most of them in one place. #
One of those things you don’t know you need until you really need it… Find and restore file from Git history #100DaysToOffload 3/100 #
Working with stacked branches in Git is easier with --update-refs - An incredibly clear explanation of how to use the new --update-refs option with git rebase. #