Digging out Diigo notes
Digger is a command-line tool to extract annotations from web-based services into local Markdown notes #
Digging out Diigo notes
For two years now I’ve read all my previous posts - Ton finds his habit of revisiting “on this day” posts and his mature note-making habit have some interesting synergies: This morning I was reading a blogpost from a few years ago, and immediately two things stood out as concepts. They were just mentioned passingly in the blogpost, but this time they seemed more meaningful than their place in the original text suggested. Off I went down a little rabbithole, writing both notions up and connecting them to the current things that make them stand out to me now, and incorporating other references. #
Reply to Ton Zijlstra 'Julian’s Nudge To Explore API'
Ton expresses his concerns about annotations in any online tool (the example is being potentially risky, if nothing else as a consumer of learning time that isn’t well integrated with his other notes: The type of interaction and annotation I have/do with a source text I normally do locally. Unless it can be a PESOS (Post Elsewhere Syndicate to Own Site) flow, exchanging that current value of processing things locally for merely the potential for interaction and conversation is likely a bad trade-off for my learning. #
Reply to Ton Zijlstra 'Clipping Articles From Feed Reader To Obsidian'
I look at what a ‘web colleague’ has done, and think about how I might solve a similar problem. #
Some uses for integration grab my annotations since last run, check convert to bookmark posts on blog ditto but post into markdown pages in garden search for annotations against my domain (once I enable it for and convert to incoming webmentions #
Zotero to Markdown Notes
A workflow to integrate Zotero and your notes #
Reinventing My Note Making Practice
Summarising my current practice in using notes to enable both work and learning #
Anti-libraries and anti-scholars
On the importance of the books you havent read #
New Tools for Note Making
Toolset for desktop and mobile note-making #
New Tools for Note Making
Note-Making, the starting point
A baseline of my historic note-making practices #